Young & Young Properties - Real Estate Services From the Space Coast of Brevard County, Florida
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Flowers Everywhere!
When we first moved to our dream home in the country last July, what I missed the most was all of the beautiful flowers in my yard. The new yard was quite bare and unkempt. It was crazy to plant flowering perennials mid-summer but I needed some color on my blank canvas. I brought several clippings from plants at our former home and nursed them along. Some are still in pots waiting for the right place to be planted and grow. Over the last two weeks we've had several inches of rain. This week we are experiencing tropical storm rains from Cristobal in the Gulf of Mexico. The rain seems to have a magic potion that makes plants and grass thrive. I want to share with you some of the beauty growing in our yard. Have a great weekend and stay dry! JoAnn