red light photo enforcement system. The system is designed to make city roads more safe. The cameras have been shown to reduce violations, traffic injuries and deaths and have improved driver behavior. The new technology will also enable the Melbourne Police Department to flip a switch during emergencies and such as bank robberies or child abductions to monitor intersections.
The cameras will be located in two locations with the most traffic and the most frequent accidents. The intersection of U.S.1 and Eau Gallie Blvd. and U.S.1 and State Rd 192.

records created by the system and will determine if a citation will be issued.
A violation will occur when a vehicle crosses over the white stop bar located at the beginning of the intersection after the light has turned red. In other words, your vehicle must not be in the crosswalk to protect pedestrians trying to cross the street.
The cameras will record the date, time of day, time elapsed since the beginning of the red signal and the vehicle's speed and an image of the vehicle's license plate. Chief Steve Mimbs states that the new system will be funded by violators.
Be safe Melbourne and Brevard save your money and STOP at those intersections!
-JoAnn Young