I tell my local northern friends that Fall is so subtle in Florida that you will miss it if you are not aware of the signs. No, we don't have the beautiful colors, the trees shedding their leaves, hoodie wearing & bonfires. For we Floridians it is the BIG change in the humidity. When you open the door to let your furbaby out at 6am, the muggy-ness doesn't overtake you like a warm, wet towel for the first time since April. This last week of September was 'it' for us on the East Central Florida Coast!

In my previous updates I've shared with you that we've recently moved to a new area. We are still settling in and have yet to unpack a few more boxes. What I've not shared with you is my difficulty feeling at home here. It has been my lifelong dream to live on a farm or ranch. I lived in my former city home for over 17 years and was quite comfortable with my surroundings. My garden was set - though it was small. My outdoor shrubs, trees and flowering plants were mature and producing beautiful and fragrant flowers.
Living in a new place with a blank canvas has got my head spinning with so many ideas but little time to work them. Keeping familiar "things" around me has seemed to calm my anxiety.

I had never decorated for Fall until I married my husband who is from the mid-west with Fall being his absolute favorite season. I began decorating to make him feel more at home in Florida where we don't have the rich colors of the mid-west. Today I broke out the Fall decorations. While I will miss decorating our beautiful stone fireplace & mantle in our old house, we now have a small country front porch that will change with each season.

Happy Fall Y'all!