Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Brevard County Schools 2013

When the state of Floria published school grades this year (2013), 38 of 74 Brevard County's elementary, middle and charter schools dropped by a grade compared to 2012.  This decline in grades was across the state.  You may be asking, "Why the decrease?"  The Florida Department of Education has adopted more stringent standards including harder tests, changes in grading rules and transitioning to Common Core standards.  
A quick overview on some key school performance terms used by Florida's system:

How Schools are Graded - Florida put into place the A thru F school grade system in 1999.  Assigning a letter grade is a way to report a school’s effectiveness that is easier to understand.  Each year the Florida Department of Education uses a formula to assign each public K-12 school a letter grade. 
For elementary schools, the grades are based on a school's FCAT scores.  Middle schools are similar to elementary but include a portion for participation & performance in accelerated courses.  For high schools there is a new formula. Only 50% of a high schools grade comes from FCAT results.  The other half of the grade takes into account graduation rates, SAT results, participation and performance in college-level courses. 2013 High school grades are expected to be released later this year. 
When the state published school grades this summer, 38 of 74 Brevard County's elementary, middle and charter schools dropped by a grade compared to 2012.  This decline in grades was mirrored across the state.  Why the decrease?  Well, the Florida Department of Education has enacted more rigorous standards to include tougher tests, changes in grading rules and the transition to Common Core standards.  If this leaves you confused, you're in good company.

Below is a quick overview on some of the key school performance terms used by our educators, media, politicians and legislators. 
FCAT - The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test is the  “Florida model” of education reform.  FCAT 2.0 is given to students as young as 3rd grade, and increases the difficulty of the math, science and reading tests. FCAT results are comprised of half of teacher evaluations once districts designs their 
merit pay systems. 
Common Core - The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a states-led effort that establishes a single set of clear educational standards for kindergarten through 12th grade in English, language arts and math.  Common Core standards promote equity by ensuring all students, no matter where they live, are well prepared with the skills and knowledge necessary to collaborate and compete with their peers in the United States and abroad.
Florida has joined in adopting the Common Core State Standards.  States are working together to create and develop assessments to replace existing end of year state assessments.  Florida plans to replace FCAT in 2014-15 when the new Common Core State Standards assessments are to be released.  Keep in mind common core standards refer to 'what' students should know.  Curriculum is 'how' those students learn those standards.  Curriculum (e.g. lesson plans, books, classroom materials, etc..).

Finding the right school  for your children is more than just finding the school with the highest FCAT scores. Criteria should also include enrichment programs, teacher staff, administrative staff, campus/facilities when looking at schools.  
The list for 2013 ranks elementary, middle, & high schools according to their average Math and Reading score for all grades tested.  

Please note that 2013 high school grades have not yet been released.  A school may have high average FCAT scores, but it's state grade may be lower because improvement gains were not met.
There are pros & cons.  The FCAT scores do provide insight into a schools performance.  This information can help parents make informed decisions when home buying.  
Check out the districit school zone link.where you are home shopping to see what schools your children will attend.