When making consideration to sell your home, here are a few valuable stats from National Association of Realtor’s 2010 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers:
• The typical home buyer will search for homes for 12 weeks and view 12 different homes during the homebuying process.
• 83 percent of buyers purchased a home through a real estate agent.
• The typical sellers lived in their homes for 8 years.
• 88 percent of sellers were assisted by an agent with their transaction.
• Homes sold through a real estate agent sold for 96 percent of the list price.

• 50 percent of recent home buyers were first-timers.
• The typical first-time home buyer was 30 years old.
• Repeat buyers were 49 years old on average.
• One-third of recent home buyers indicated their primary reason for purchasing was a desire to own a home.
• 20 percent of recent home buyers were single females; 12 percent were single males.Call JoAnn Young for your FLORIDA Dream Home! 321-243-4917, email me!