Special announcement! JoAnn Papsidero, Realtor with in Melbourne, Florida married James Michael Young of Louisiana, Missouri on September 10, 2011. The ceremony was held on the Indian River in Melbourne, Florida on the most beautiful day! Even dolphins were in attendance! Jim and JoAnn go way back to college days in Northwest Indiana where they worked on the same Sunday School bus route bringing inner city Chicago children to church. They built a friendship in those days and never expected to cross paths again 26 years later. Jim is a certified property claims adjuster for
Eberyl Claim Service and JoAnn continues to own and operate
People's First Financial Services and also serves as a local
Realtor with S&;D Realty Exchange. They will make their home in the Lake Washington area of Melbourne, Florida.
Congratulations Jim & JoAnn! May God bless your marriage and give you many happy and unforgettable memories together!