When you buy a home in Brevard County, Florida, there's no need for you to worry about the countless details involved in finding and buying a home. It's OUR job to manage these details on your behalf. Yet we know you will have questions.
Many of our clients asked this simple question, "What next?" We are able to answer that question easily, but we realize this process is not a task consumers are faced with every day. That is when we realized we need something available to explain the home-buying process. Answering our clients' questions has been one of our primary goals. With that thought in mind, here are a few simple steps we will take together as you begin the home-buying process:
1. Pre-Purchase Consulting
2. Shopping for Your Home
3. Buying Your Home
Let’s get started!
Before we actually go out to look at homes, we'll invest some time together so you feel confident about the entire home-purchase process and your choice of us as your REALTOR®.
You'll share with us some information about what you're looking for in a home as well as your concerns about location, transportation, schools, etc. You'll tell us what you do and don't like. We'll identify your "wants" and "needs".
You'll share with us some details about your financial situation, including your income, debts, and cash on-hand. You'll tell me what amount you expect to spend on a monthly mortgage payment, and how much cash you wish to invest "up-front". Together we'll determine the price-range of your next home and what you can qualify for in a mortgage if one is needed.
We'll explain financing options that suit your situation. We'll choose a lending program that fits your needs so you can make application right away.
We'll explain the relationships between home buyers, home sellers and agents. Together, we'll review what you should know about equal opportunity in housing and standard disclosure forms.
Now that we’ve established what you're looking for and what you can afford in a home, we can get started.
Using the Multiple Listing Services (Innovia®) database and other sources, I'll research homes that are currently available for sale. We'll choose homes that meet your requirements.
We'll make appointments for us to inspect the selected homes at a convenient time, and we'll point out their assets and drawbacks as we go through each home.
When you see a home you like, we'll estimate your closing costs and monthly payment.
We'll conduct the necessary research to determine answers to your questions about the homes and communities we inspect, and provide them to you in a timely manner.
If none of the homes we inspect satisfy your requirements, we'll discuss options such as adjusting your "wants" and "needs" or simply waiting for other homes to come on the market. We'll begin this step again another day - as many times as it takes to find the right home.
When you choose a home, we'll represent your best interests in negotiations and follow-up.
Using standard Florida forms, We'll prepare a Contract of Sale or an “offer” if you will and all related paperwork on your behalf and explain your rights and obligations to you. (However, keep in mind that we are not attorneys, and our explanation is not a "legal opinion.")
I'll advocate strongly for you with the property owner and the owner's agent, and help you evaluate any counter-offer.
After you and the property owner reach agreement and initial any changes to the Contract of Sale, we begin to co-ordinate home inspections.
We'll notify the property owner of any discrepancies within the proper time frame.
We'll follow-up with the Inspector(s), Listing Agent, Lender, Surveyor and Settlement Company to assure that all contract conditions and all deadlines are satisfied.
In the meantime, there are some things you need to do: Contact an insurance agent to make arrangements for a hazard insurance policy for the correct amount of coverage, confirm that you have provided all requested documentation to your lender, notify all utility companies, and obtain a certified or cashier's check in the amount determined by the settlement company.
We'll accompany you to settlement (closing), review the settlement sheet, and advocate strongly for you if there are any disagreements.
Then, we'll proudly hand you the keys to your next home.
Whether you're relocating around the world or just moving across town, I'll handle the details of your home purchase so you don't have to. I consider it a privilege to help you through each of these steps so together we can create a real estate success story for you and your family!
Thinking of Buying a Home? Call JoAnn Young today! 321-243-4917 or email JoAnn@myFLdreamhome.com